Bartolo & Sons
Discount on Food Bill
Via Pannieri, 7 90133, Palermo, Sicily
+39 091329523
Keywords: Antipasta / Dessert / Fish / Pasta / Seafood / Sicilian / Sicilian Food /
Additional Terms & Conditions
Pre-booking and mention of Malta Discount Card is required on weekends.

Bartolo & Sons was established in Palermo, in the historic center, within the Vucciria market, originally known as Maestro del Brodo.

Since 1985, it has been offering traditional Palermitan cuisine.

Initially famous for its Sicilian cuisine based on minestrone, meat broth, boiled beef, and tortellini, it has now adapted to the times and offers delicious seafood first courses and a display of fresh fish every day.

Since 1985, Bartolo & Sons, with its tradition and authenticity, has always been ready to celebrate every joyful event with you.

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Opening Hours
Monday - Closed
Tuesday to Sunday: 12:30 to 15:30, 19:00 to 23:00
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