Hello Malta – Gozo Tour
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Keywords: Gozo / Guided Tours / Temples /
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Booking directly and mention of Malta Discount Card is required.
Use promo code maltadiscountcard when buying the tour online on www.maltasightseeing.com

After a twenty minute crossing, on setting foot in Gozo you will notice that although both islands are similar in history and development, Gozo has a character entirely of its own. Gozo, which is a three hilled island, is greener and more picturesque than Malta.
First stop is The Ggantija Temples that stand at the end of the Xaghra plateau, facing towards the south-east. This megalithic monument is in fact two temples, built side by side and enclosed with a boundary wall. The southerly one is the larger and elder, dating back to approximately 3600 BC. It is also better preserved.

The second stop is Calypso’s Cave, is said to be the cave where Ulysseys was kept as a love prisoner for seven years by the nymph Calypso in the story of Homer’s Odyssey. Calypso’s cave lies near the stunning beach of Ramla Bay; the view is magnificent!

The next visit is The Citadella, a historic fortified city which lies in the heart of Victoria. The Citadella, also called as The Citadel, is on Malta’s tentative list of future World Heritage Sites by UNESCO, who describes it as a small fortified town. An old prison is located within the city, as are the Courts of Justice.

After this visit you will stop for lunch in a restaurant in Rabat. Afterwards you will visit Ta’ Pinu Basilica, a Roman Catholic Parish Church located 700 metres away from the village of Gharb and allows visitors to enjoy beautiful views of the area. After visiting this church, which is dedicated to Blessed Virgin of Ta’ Pinu, you will also visit The Azure Window, a natural arch featuring a table-like rock over the sea. It is situated near two other famous landmarks – The Inland Sea & Dwejra Bay. Finally you will drive to Mgarr Port via Qala Belvedere where breathtaking scenes can be enjoyed.

Availability: Monday and Friday


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